Archive for the 'Grumbling' Category

Faux Fur Buyers – BEWARE!

Friday, November 6th, 2009

I choose not to eat or wear animals.* When I purchase clothing, shoes or accessories, I carefully read the label to be sure that ALL the materials are man-made. If I see any traces of leather or fur, it immediately goes back on the shelf. So you can imagine my shock and outrage when I […]

Hollywood Prop 8 Protest March

Wednesday, May 27th, 2009

Last night Deutsch and I decided to take part in the march against Prop 8. In the last U.S. election, Californians voted to pass Proposition 8. In short, this Prop bans the right for same-sex marriages. Now if I have my facts correct, yesterday the Supreme Court ruled to uphold the constitutional amendment banning same-sex […]

Another Car Chase in L.A.

Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

Apologies for my lack of description for my Day 5 post yesterday. Usually I finish up & publish my day’s post at night before I go to bed. Last night I was distracted by the not-so-riveting white Bentley L.A. slow car chase, not driven by Chris Brown*, then not by DJ Khaled**, but by someone […]

South Beach Diet Phase 1: Day 1/14

Friday, February 6th, 2009

Well, overall it has been a somewhat successful day, no cheating. However, exercise was a complete failure. I hope to do better tomorrow. As you read my menu for today, you will notice the use of soy meats. This is my choice, as I don't eat meat. South Beach allows most, if not all meats. […]

Back to Business: Losing The Holiday Weight

Thursday, February 5th, 2009

It has become painfully obvious to me that the holidays have been far too kind to me… and my waistline. My butt has been enjoying the good life for much too long. It is time to fight back. My plan of attack will be exercise and the South Beach Diet. I plan on two […]

Save The OC

Thursday, January 4th, 2007

Were you one of the many crushed by today's announcement about the cancellation of The OC? Do your part. Let your voice be heard. Go to Fox's website Save The OC and sign their petition. Another website,, has created four days of activism. You gotta love their loyalty. Just doing my part for TV. […]

I Should Be Sent To The Blogging Corner.

Tuesday, February 7th, 2006

Hello to all my readers. First, my sincere apologizes for not posting sooner. My only excuse is that life got in the way. FYI, this will probably be my most common excuse for future posting negligence. For the past two weekends (including Fridays), I have been busy shooting an independent film. For reasons unknown to […]

Defusing Ikea

Monday, January 23rd, 2006

I like Ikea as much as the next person, probably even more. I relied on them when I was young & broke and older & broke. Even when my bank account was healthier, I’d go to Ikea. Heck, I will even admit that a good percentage of my home is decorated by Ikea. Okay, I’m […]