Remembering Tippit

September 17th, 2007

1991 – September 5, 2007


You will be missed, Baby Kitty.

Tippit over the years:

'Tippit 'Tippit

'Tippit 'tippit




'Tippit 'Spooky


4 Responses to “Remembering Tippit”

  1. krissy Says:

    what a sweet blog post. my eyes got all teary as soon as i saw that first photo of her. tippit was a very loved kitty. you both gave her such a great home and life with you. it certainly doesn’t make it any easier though….
    thanks for sharing all those cute photos of tippit! i love the ones where she’s hiding in the shopping bag and lying on her back. what a ham!
    thinking of you both…
    krissy xoxo

  2. Mom Says:

    She looks so beautiful…i miss her tons. I’m happy you did this and it must have been difficult for you…created with much, much love. Mom xoxoxo

  3. Di & Ron Says:

    A beautiful tribute to a wonderful kitty cat.

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